Why Good Friends Are So Important

Hi Swamp Bloggers!

Welcome back to the blog. There are some very exciting things happening with Camp Swamp! If you didn't get to see last week's blog, Swamp Corps is adding Honduras as a location for 2019. Make sure to take a look and see all the locations for 2019 here.

Lately, I've been thinking about how much my friends mean to me, especially my friends who follow Jesus. This summer's theme was about being an image seeker, and I think our friends deeply effect our ability to be an image seeker. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 it says:

"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.' "

It's a scripture we hear a lot, but on the flip side good company can also influence a good character. When our friends seek out Jesus, it is easier for us to follow him. When our friends have convictions, we have someone who can help us say no to sin.

In addition to telling us to watch out for bad company, the Bible also says in 2 Timothy 2:22 to pursue righteousness "along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." This is a calling from God to pursue Him with friends who pursue him as well.

Having friends who are seeking out the image of Jesus alongside us can help us in many ways. And, it is important to be aware of who your closest friends are and how they influence your spirituality. I'm grateful for spiritual friends, because...

1) They share wisdom and advice with me that I know I can trust. While Jesus should always be what we seek first, having other people to go to for spiritual advice is second to none.

2) They remind me that I am not alone in being an image seeker. It can be easy for Satan to make us feel like we are the only ones trying to do the right thing or struggling with whatever we are struggling with. Good friends can uplift us just by being a Godly example and showing that that is not true.

Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.

-1 Peter 5:9 (NLT)

3) They show me God's love in diverse ways. God has created so many beautiful things, and one of those things is mankind. Diversity is one of the camp values, and I think having diverse friends who serve God and their friends with unique talents can show us a lot about Him. I think God made mankind all different to show us different facets of himself and different kinds of relationships to show us all the different ways he loves us.

If we want to become like the image of Jesus it makes sense for us to do that alongside like-minded people. Let's not only seek those kinds of friends but be those kinds of friends. Share this post and tag your friends who help you in your walk with God!

Until Next Week...

Much Love & Respect,
