Let It Grow

Hello again friends! Welcome back to the blog :) This week, I have the pleasure of sharing about Camp Swamp’s vision, and how we can all be a part of it!

Some of you may have received an email earlier this week regarding the 5 Year Plan Strategy Survey, so I wanted to take some time to share about. (If you didn’t get the email, you can find the link here!)

The reason I bring this up is because it’s important that we all share feedback in order to support the mission and vision of Camp. Our feedback is extremely valuable, and is part of what helps Camp Swamp continuously improve.

Speaking of the vision, did you know that Camp Swamp’s vision is to have a camp within 300 miles of any person? Personally, as someone who grew up in Kentucky, think this is AWESOME. Right now, I have to travel around 350 miles to get to camp every summer. It’s not easy, but the culture of Camp Swamp is something that I would not trade for anything in the world.

When I think about other people that don’t have access to the same resources I have, it really makes me see the necessity of this vision. I can’t wait to see the day when every kid can have easier access to our camp culture.

I hope we can all take about 15 minutes to answer the questions on the survey and provide further insight into all of our experiences with Camp Swamp!

Okay! That’s all I have for now, but while I still have you all here, I just wanted to remind everyone (again. LOL.) about some upcoming events happening at Camp!

The Father-Son Retreat is TWO weeks away!! Make sure you register now! Don’t miss out on the fun and quality bonding time! Also, don’t forget- H@TS is just a couple of months away, and registration is open right now!

If you’d like to sign up for either of these retreats, you can click right here :)

As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog! Praying for all of you to have a wonderful week!