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Taste and See

Hello again, friends! Welcome back to the blog, I’m so glad that you’re here! I hope everyone’s had a good week! Mine has been pretty eventful!

My family moved to a different city literally just yesterday, and while we were moving I found something that I got from Camp this summer.

For those of you who don’t know, we gave our little spoons with a metal engraving attached to them! On it is Psalm 34:7-8, which I’ll include below:

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”

Meditating on this scripture is always so encouraging for me. It serves as a reminder that we serve a faithful, loving, and consistent God- it seems like common sense, but I think the hardships of life can make us forget sometimes. But because of the Lord’s consistency, no matter how many times we taste and see, the result will always be the same- God is good.

Well! That’s all for me this week, friends! Before I go- just wanted to remind everyone again about the upcoming retreats! Click here for more information, we wanna see you there!

Thanks again for taking time out of your day to read the blog! As usual, I’m praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3

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