Safety in Self-Control

(Pictured: My good friend Madison and I! She was about 9 or 10 in this photo, and now she’s an awesome disciple who was kind enough to help me write the blog this week! So encouraged!)

Hello again, friends! It’s that wonderful time of the week again, welcome back to the blog! It’s so strange to say this, but this is actually the very last entry in our Fruits of the Spirit series. As I’m sure you can probably guess, today we’ll be talking about self-control, and how it presents itself at Camp.

One of the ways we keep Camp safe is by encouraging everyone to exercise self control- in their speech, their dress, their actions, etc. for example, we don’t just go to the pool alone whenever we feel like it, we don’t make that mean joke that seems harmless at the time, and we don’t go out of our way to hurt others.

I’m sure others can relate, but when I was growing up at Camp, that’s what taught me that it was safe to be who I was, that it would be okay if I came out of my comfort zone- because we were all being taught the same thing. To treat others with love and to keep one another safe.

I wanted to get a camper’s perspective on how they think self control relates to Camp. Here’s what my friend Madison, a middle school student, had to say about it:

“Camp Swamp makes me feel safe and secure. I feel like a major reason why is one that we don’t always notice- self control.

Self control helps us resist temptation and avoid conforming to the things of this world, and this is applied in so many ways at camp. To start, I don’t have my phone at camp which illuminates distractions or temptations that keep me from drawing closer to God.

It takes a lot of self control for everybody to go a week without phones, social media, or video games.

In our bible classes, everybody demonstrates self control by being quiet and respectful, so it is a good learning environment for me to grow spiritually.

I feel safe at camp because the campers and counselors hold back any judgement or negativity leaving an overall positive vibe at camp.”

My friends, once again, that is all for me this week! I am so grateful to everyone that read any of the entries in this series, I had so much fun learning and writing about all of the different Fruits of the Spirit. As always, I am earnestly praying for all of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3