On the Third Day

Hello, friends! Welcome back to the blog! As you guys all know, yesterday was Easter. I’ve been thinking a lot about where we’d be without the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

There are so many things about Camp Swamp that we hold dear that simply wouldn’t exist without his sacrifice.

John 3:16 talks about how God loved us so much, He was willing to sacrifice His only Son. But the story doesn’t just end with that sacrifice. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead- what wonderful news!

Because of this, we’re able to have hope. Because of this, we’re able to have joy, peace, love, and so many other amazing things. Because of this, we get to have beautiful things like Camp Swamp- where we get to experience a little taste of Heaven.

I am so grateful for God’s perfect plan, for His perfect love, and for all of you that work so hard to make Camp what it is. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, and I hope you all have a great week!

Well, my friends, that’s all for me this week! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read the blog! As usual, I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3