Connected Through Love

Hello again, my friends! Welcome back to the blog, I hope the last week has treated you well! There is certainly a lot going on in the world, and a lot of us have been confined to our homes in order to stay safe. This week, I wanted to do a more positive blog and talk about how to stay connected to your ministry during quarantine/self isolation.

One thing that’s been really encouraging to see is all of the online services! Churches all over are live-streaming sermons on Wednesdays and Sundays across many different platforms. People are even meeting for d-groups/d-times over Skype and Discord. It’s amazing to see how God’s kingdom evolves and adapts to continue to bring glory to God!

My ministry is currently having several online competitions to keep us connected and having fun together. Just yesterday, we had a blanket fort competition, where everyone sent photos and videos of their blanket forts!

(The winner gets to pick the next challenge, so stay tuned for that. LOL.)

A friend of mine shared a scripture with me that really encouraged me, and I think it’s really relevant to the situation we are currently in.

“For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

It’s so encouraging to see that God’s people are staying faithful and refusing to let this pandemic stop His Kingdom from advancing. I can very confidently say that disciples everywhere have been using the power, love, and self-discipline that the Spirit gives us. You'll be SO encouraged to know that on Sunday, Louisville will be gaining a new brother in Christ! It’ll be live-streamed on Facebook so that our family can all be part of it. :)

What are you guys doing to stay connected to one another during this time? Whether it’s blanket forts or digital bible studies, I encourage everyone to make the best of this situation. I love you all, and I’ll be praying as always for you to have a safe and encouraging week!