Great is Thy Faithfulness

Hello, my friends! Welcome back to the blog. As always, I am so grateful to you for taking time out of your week to read what I have to say. This week, the fruit of the Spirit we’re going to talk about is faithfulness.

Faithfulness is defined in the dictionary as being strict or thorough in the performance of duty, true to one's word, promises, vows,

steady in allegiance or affection, loyal, constant, reliable, trusted, or believed,

adhering or true to fact, a standard, or an original.

I’ve thought a lot about faithfulness this week, particularly about where I see it at Camp. There are a lot of things that I could write about, but I think what it comes down to is the very culture of Camp. There’s a reason why Camp has been around for so long, a reason why people are able to continue to grow and love there.

That reason is God’s faithfulness. God is reliable, steady, and constant. He is the original, the standard that we as disciples do our best to imitate. If it wasn’t for His faithfulness, we wouldn’t be able to have a space on earth that’s safe for us mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually- it certainly wouldn’t be the safest place on the planet besides our homes.

In turn, Camp’s environment creates an environment where we can become more personally acquainted with God’s faithfulness.

I had a conversation with my dad this week about internal and external noise. He brought up how, at Camp, you’re able to get away from both. We don’t have phones to distract us, and we’re away from the sounds of the city.

Above all, it’s a place where our minds don’t have to run a mile a minute. We’re able to take a step back and focus on God- all thanks to His faithfulness.

My friends, that is all for me this week!! As always, I am praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week! Until next time. :)

Much Love,

Bri <3