Gentleness: Founded in Strength and Prompted by Love

Hello again, friends!! Welcome back to the blog, I hope all of you are having a great start to your Monday! Today, we’ll be continuing our Fruits of the Spirit series with “gentleness”.

Now this fruit in particular has given me great joy to research/write about. The more I’ve learned about gentleness this week, the more I’ve learned that Camp is literally saturated with it.

The first thing that popped into my head when I thought about gentleness at Camp was the younger campers. Being a counselor of younger campers has shown me that a lot of them truly embody the spirit of gentleness- especially when it comes to interacting with them during bible classes.

This past summer I got to teach the youngest campers about hard work and profit every Monday. One of the questions we asked them was “How can you work hard to help others?” The answers we got honestly blew me away. They said things like “I can work hard so my mom can relax,” or “When I work hard at being a good friend, my friends are happy.” A lot of their answers were about working hard to make others feel happy and loved.

The Bible Study Tools site defines gentleness as such: “Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love.” The last part of that definition really stuck with me- founded on strength and prompted by love. The mindset of those campers was just that: founded on strength and promoted by love.

Those kinds of values are part of what makes Camp so great, and I’m so glad that I’ve gotten to bear witness to it for so long.

My friends, that is all for me this week! But before I go, I have a quick announcement!! Do you want to volunteer at our little slice of Heaven? Do you want to serve ALL SUMMER? I have just the thing for you, click this link right here to apply!

Thank you so much for reading, I’m praying for all of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3