Every Legacy Has a Beginning

Hi Swamp Bloggers!

Welcome back to the blog. I hope that you all are having a wonderful start to your week. Reminder: The Daddy Daughter Retreat is coming up soon (April 26-28.) Sign up to get in on this awesome opportunity to reconnect with your daughters. And, don't wait! The price will increase on April 15. Click here to sign up and learn more!

Ever wonder what weeks still have openings for summer camp? You can visit the Swamp website, click on Services->Youth Camp->Dates & Fees->Click on 'Register Now' under the summer camp tab in the table, and there you can see all the current openings. We currently have openings for every week, so head over to the website to decide what week you want to go. We can't wait for the summer!

Starting the Legacy: Swamp Corps Origin

No warrior, leader, or superhero whose name is remembered for years to come is without a story of how they came to greatness. Every legacy starts with an origin story. This holds true for the Swamp, as well.

Have you ever wondered how the first Swamp Corps trip came to be? It all started when a teen ministry in Athens, led by our very own directors, decided to take a trip to Jamaica. Originally, there was no plan to do a camp in Jamaica. It was an ordinary mission trip. However, the Jamaican government said the volunteers were too young, and they would not allow them to come do mission work due to the liability reasons.

So, the ministry got the idea to take camp to Jamaica. A dozen or so Jamaican campers had already been coming to Camp Swamp in America during the summer, so with this in mind, the team decided to take Camp Swamp out to them. Soon enough a trip was being planned to hold camp in Jamaica. And thanks to God's plan and the faith of the team members, the trip was a total success. The team members felt like they had that same camp culture with them in Jamaica. Little did anyone know the ripple effect this first trip would start.

Not only would there be two more years of Swamp Corps in Jamaica, there would be 12 international camps and counting by the end of 2018. Could anyone have directed that path except God's Spirit? Yet, there was something so amazing about the decision taken in faith to go to Jamaica and start a camp. That team would be the first ever Swamp Corps, although they didn't know it at the time.

That is Swamp Corps' origin story. The imprint it makes on children and leaders across the world to this day is the legacy. And, many of you reading are a part of that legacy. Below is an animated short video about a very popular athlete and his origin story. (If you cannot see this in the email newsletter, click the title link to visit the blog website.)

Even Greater Things

This is a great story about a man who chased his dreams and was given glory for how he surpassed all his obstacles and went above what anyone could have expected from him. Imagine the heights achievable when you pursue a dream for God's glory.

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son."

-John 14:12-13

Jesus himself says that whoever believes in Him will do even greater things than He did in his time on Earth! If we chase the dreams God gives to us, imagine what amazing things we could do in His name.

So, if you have a dream to do something in God's name, to help someone, to start a fundraiser, to go on a mission trip, to grow in your faith, I encourage you to go for it. No story starts without a beginning! And, talk to someone about your dreams and get help for your plans. No one should be forced to dream alone.

I hope this has inspired you in some way. Much love to my Swamp family and fellow dreamers...

Much Love & Respect,
