Teen Retreat: Eternity War

Hi Swamp Bloggers!

Welcome to the Swamp blog! First, I wanted to say thank you to those who completed the survey from last week. If you haven't filled it out, please fill it out HERE. :)

This past weekend was the annual Teen Retreat held at Camp Swamp. The theme of the retreat was "Eternity War," and all of the lessons focused on fighting our spiritual battle with the mindset that God has given us super powers to do good works with.

During the retreat, campers got to hear great lessons, worship God, hear young Christians share, and have fun playing games together. It was really amazing to see so many teen ministries having fun together and turning the smallest things into reasons to laugh with each other. Everyone seemed so much more bonded by the end of the retreat. I asked some people what they thought of the retreat, and this is what they said:

Teen Retreat 2018 Experiences

Saliah Ponteau on the front lawn at the Swamp
"It was absolutely amazing. this has definitely been the best high school retreat for me. i'm already studying now but after this retreat and hearing everyone's stories and how they handle everything, i'm even more encouraged and determined to do my studies and make sure i get something out of them so i can apply what i learn in my daily life and live a life i know is satisfying to God."

-Saliah Ponteau

Will Hong (Middle, Back) with some of his teens
"It was amazing to witness a group of high schoolers come together leaving their troubles at the door, and lift each other up like no one else. For me personally, it was amazing to see the teens I've had the privilege to work with and for over the past year."

-Will Hong, Teen Worker

Loy Redd (Far Right, seated) preparing for the baby food taste test challenge
“The Teen Retreat was a nice refresher from the troubles of the world.”

-Loy Redd

Skylar Bailey (Left) with friends Sunday at the retreat.
"The teen retreat was an unforgettable experience. I was able to connect with old friends and connect with God within just a few days! It's amazing what He can do with just a little bit of time!"

-Skylar Bailey

Thanks to those who shared about their experiences at the retreat! It was definitely an awesome time of bonding and getting closer to God. Going back to the theme of the weekend, one thing that was really emphasized during the lessons was making an impact on ours as well as others' eternity. There are many factors to doing this, including assembling a great team of friends to help us during our spiritual battle. And, of course, the most important thing is that we fix our eyes on Jesus to help us win the war.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.' "

-John 11:25

I hope you will be able to take these thoughts into your week, and remember that God has created us to be warriors of spiritual battle ready to make an eternal impact!

Thank you for reading this week!

Much Love & Respect,
