Emerson Howard

I remember my first time at camp was week one, 2017. I hated it. I didn't know a lot of people because I had just moved to the church in Athens, and I didn't want to come out of my shell to make new friends. Flash forward to this year, 2018, and I am in love with Camp Swamp. I think working out here all summer and being engulfed in the culture of camp has helped me let loose and open up to many people- whether it's outside on the porch steps, in the lunch line, in between field games, during cabin time, etc. My favorite thing Camp Swamp has to offer is the people who are a part of it. The relationships you create here are lifelong and make you want to return year after year. It's encouraging to me to see practicing Christians my age, and it's amazing to find disciples older than me living a godly life that I can look up to. Camp has something to offer to everyone, and I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of it. (p.s. you should totally come!)