Because He Walked on Water

For those of you who don’t know, the Middle School Retreat was this past weekend. Looks like it was a lot of fun!

Hello again friends, it’s that time of the week! I’m so excited to share another blog with all of you. Before I get into the blog, I just wanted to give you guys a quick reminder! The AC campaign to make camp cooler is still ongoing! So far, we’ve raised $5,855 of our $15,000 goal!! Thank you so much for all of your generous contributions. If you’d like to donate, please CLICK HERE to do so!

Also, there are a few upcoming events that I wanted to tell you guys about! The Father-Son Retreat is coming up on November 1st! That's just a few weeks away, make sure to register as soon as you can!

The fun doesn't stop there! H@TS is swiftly approaching, don't miss it! You can find details on both retreats by clicking right here!

This week, I thought we could all do with some encouragement. I was talking to my parents about scriptures that really encourage them, and I wanted to share them with you.

The first one is a little unconventional, but I feel that it’s really fitting. We all know the story about Jesus walking on water. One thing I never thought about was just how far He had to walk.

The scripture says in John 6 that they had rowed three or three and a half miles before they saw Jesus. Jesus walked multiple miles on water just to go and be with His friends in the middle of a storm. Even without the water being involved, that’s still a long way to walk just to be with your friends. It’s just another wonderful reminder that we serve a loving God- one that would walk through a storm and literally lay down His life for His friends.

For a lot of us, our friends from Camp live pretty far away. With that, and this scripture in mind, I’d like to encourage us all to imitate Jesus when it comes to loving our friends. After all, you never know what kind of impact you may have by doing so. Maybe a friend of yours is struggling or feeling down- your words of encouragement may end up being exactly what they need.

I wanted to leave you guys with the scripture my mom shared with me, John 16:33. It reads:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus has already overcome the world. All we need to do now is love one another and do what the Lord has commanded. We may not find peace in the world, but we will always find it in God.

Well, once again, that’s all for me! Hopefully, these scriptures will encourage you throughout the week as you go about your daily routines. I’m praying for all of you to have a wonderful, safe week! Thanks for reading. :)

Love, Bri <3