All Around The World

All Around The World

Hello again, friends! It’s that time of the week again where I get the privilege of sharing another blog with all of you.

This week, I am so grateful for all of the people that Camp Swamp has given me the opportunity to meet. Camp has exposed me, and so many other people, to wonderful people all over the world.

Growing up in Kentucky, I never thought that I would be spending Thanksgiving with my not just my family, but my friends from Camp. I got to invite my friend from the Bahamas to spend the holidays with us- something that never would have happened if it weren’t for God and for Camp.

I really think that those kinds of relationships are one of the miracles that God likes to use Camp to create.

It makes me think about Swamp Corp, something that is actively building lifelong relationships across the globe. It’s so encouraging to me when I think about how there are kids all over the world that are able to grow closer to God and to each other through Camp.

Honestly, when I think about Swamp Corp, I can’t help but think about what Heaven will be like. I get so excited worship with my brothers and sisters all over the world for all of eternity.

Today, I am jusy in awe of of widespread God's kingdom is, and I'm even more in awe that we get to be apart of it!

I hope this blog will encourage you all today! As always, I am praying for each and every one of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much love,
