A Quick Guide: How to Use a Bracelet to Love Your Friend

(Pictured: Some of the coolest friendship bracelets I’ve seen in a while, I saw these on the camp Instagram!)

Hello again, friends! For this week’s blog, I actually wanted to talk about something we all do at camp- making friendship bracelets!

I still wear some of the bracelets I received over the summer, and every time I look at them, I get a happy little reminder of the time I spent out at Camp Swamp.

So today, I wanted to include a little tutorial on how to make a friendship bracelet! Below are some links to make all kinds of different bracelets, including those fancy ones that you only get once in a blue moon.

Click HERE (you can skip to around 2:25 for the actual tutorial)  to to learn how to make a basic friendship bracelet, or HERE if you’re feeling brave and want to make a more challenging one! :)

If you decide to make one after watching the tutorials, give it to someone you care about! I’m sure your friend would be very encouraged to know that you thought about them, and it’ll be a nice reminder as they go about their busy day.

If not, try texting or calling a friend and tell them that you love them! The friendships and the bonds we create at camp are important, so be sure to take care of them!

Before I go, I just wanted to update you on an upcoming event! In just a few weeks, the Middle School Retreat is happening! You can click HERE to register, and to get some more details! Be sure to sign up, it’s coming up on October 11-13th! Don’t miss out!

Well, once again, that’s all for me! Thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog, and for being part of what makes Camp Swamp so special! Don’t forget to check out our Instagram (@CampSwamp) for more updates and fun pictures!

Much Love, Bri