A Little Dose Of Kindness

(Pictured: One my favorite acts of kindness from an 11 y/o camper. I got stung by a bee for the first time and she felt bad for me, so she left this in the cabin for me to find.  She’s a cutie!!)

Hello again, friends! I hope everyone is having a great start to their week. I am so excited to share this week’s blog with you- I’ve been so eager to write about this particular fruit of the Spirit that I almost changed the order!

This week, I get to talk to all of you about kindness. Honestly, I could talk all day about the strong presence that kindness has at Camp, but the sake of this blog, I’ll just give a few examples.

I looked up some synonyms of the word kindness, and here’s what I found:Altruism, Gentleness, Sympathy, and Sweetness. When I read the last word, a very specific tradition came to mind almost immediately! Every week, the oldest boy’s cabin invites the youngest girl’s cabin to a beautiful candlelit dinner. They deliberately take time to encourage these girls and make them feel special- it always warms my heart to see it.

That act of kindness sets an example for everyone at Camp, and I’m so glad it’s become part of our Camp culture. (You can actually watch a video about it here!)

I’m always blown away by the kindness that people show one another at Camp. I’ve seen kids share their last dollar with a cabin mate so they can make bracelets together, I’ve seen people who have only known each other for a couple of hours laugh and talk like they’ve known each other their whole lives, and I’ve seen so many people go above and beyond when it comes to serving others.

Camp is a place that breeds kindness. Those who are shown kindness will show kindness to others in turn. If you can, I encourage you to take a step back and look around yourself at Camp. The kindness that you’ll see is sure to fill your heart to the brim.

Well, my friends, once again, that is all for me!! Thank you so much for continuing to read the blog- I hope you’re all enjoying the series! I’ll be praying for all of you to have a safe and encouraging week.

Much Love,
