4 Ways to Renew Yourself Spiritually Over the Holidays

Hello Swamp Bloggers!

Welcome back. I hope you are having a wonderful week.

We are really getting into the holiday season now with Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas upon us. For myself, this time of year can feel like a well-deserved time of relaxation. Yet, continuously not having a solid schedule or tasks to get done can make me feel aimless after a while, especially when it comes to my spiritual health. The truth is there are more ways to be refreshed than just by pure relaxation.

Perhaps, you experience the same thing this time of year.

For this post, I made a list of four ways to help renew oneself spiritually over the holidays. I hope this list will inspire you in your walk with God during this time.

1. Spend Time with Jesus by being in the Word.

This is pretty easy to do. All you need is a Bible to start spending time with Jesus. If you want to learn more about Jesus, the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) can be a great resource. Another option is to read a book in the Bible you've never read before.

Inspiration for renewing your passion through the Word: http://basicsmatter.com/how-to-renew-your-passion-for-god/#sthash.KZGjRVrH.IetnJij3.dpbs

2.  Get a New Perspective.

This can be many things. Try reading a new devotional or spiritual book. Most Bible apps have reading plans and devotionals, as well. Even Youtube is becoming a popular place to listen to sermons online. If you are younger or uncertain of what to do, try asking an older disciple for recommendations.

Disciples Today Media Store features many great Christian reads: https://www.dtmediastore.com/

3. Serve someone.

If you have a lot of free time on your hands, why not devote a little bit of it to serving someone else? This can be as simple as bringing someone a coffee or flowers and a card on a stressful or discouraging day. It can also be serving in a soup kitchen or buying toys for orphan children.

Homeless Shelter and Food Bank Directory by State: https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/foodbanks/

4. Come to H@TS.

Shameless plug for Holidays at the Swamp!! ;) H@TS will be held over New Years from Dec. 29 - Jan. 1 at the Swamp. It is a great way to spend time with friends and refresh yourself spiritually as you start off 2019. This is a great Christmas present for campers who have been missing the Swamp.

H@TS will include:

  • 8 meals
  • 3 nights lodging
  • Awesome fireworks display
  • New Years Eve party with a DJ
  • Great Bible Classes for the New Year
  • Another Swamp Memory

More details on H@TS here: https://www.campswamp.com/youthcamp/registration/retreats/

I hope something on this list has inspired you for your upcoming time of rest. May you have a blessed holiday and time of refreshment.

Until next Week!

Much Love & Respect,
